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Release Notes - 17 October 2024
Supplier Statements Produce statements for suppliers.
Export of Large Reports Occasionally a report is too large to load in a browser. These reports can be exported directly to Excel.
Finding Parts Find parts faster by using the Enter key on search fields instead of having to resort to the mouse.
    Improved auditing for
  • adding quote templates to quotes
  • taking on debtors and creditors
Counter Sale Credit Performance has improved creating a counter sale credit.
Estimate, Quote and Invoice Comments Configure comments that will automatically print with estimates, quotes and invoices.
Backdated Adjustments Pending adjustments can be added to backdated adjustments.
Account Reversals Counter sale and COS supplier payment reversals can use today's date or the invoice/payment date.
Payments Made Report Added payment method filter.
Bug fixes Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
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