1 |
Custom Markups
Parts may be configured with custom markups.
2 |
Write Offs
Multiple invoices may be written off simultaneously.
3 |
Reverse receipts on receipt date or today.
4 |
Reverse deposits on deposit date or today.
5 |
Cashbook reversals are highlighted in red.
6 |
Modify a filter and press the Enter key to apply the filter instantly.
7 |
Counter Sales
Part numbers are displayed on counter sales.
8 |
Opening Balances
Hide zero balance accounts for improved readability.
9 |
Backdated Adjustments
Pending adjustments can be added to backdated adjustments.
10 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Earlier releases ...
1 |
Condition Based Services
Express Services have been replaced by Condition Based Services.
2 |
User Interface
A number of improvements made to the user interface.
3 |
Stock History
Added balance brought forward.
4 |
Filter by Part Number
Filter by part number in Stock Adjustments, Sales and VAT and Part Sales by Category.
5 |
Capture supplier invoice date.
6 |
Other Sundry Transactions
Lock month while capturing
7 |
Hybrid Vehicles
Added Hybrid to fuel type.
8 |
Booking Vehicle Change
Warning appears when changing vehicle on a quote.
9 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
User Guide
A new user guide can be downloaded.
2 |
Customer Receipts
Audit trail added for customer receipts.
3 |
Supplier Payments
Added account number to supplier payments.
4 |
Supplier Orders
Supplier orders include VAT number and address.
5 |
Sundry Sales
Reverse invoices on invoice date or today's date.
6 |
Other Sundry Transactions
Reallocate transaction GL accounts.
7 |
Warning added when deleting a jobcard.
8 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Bank Recon
Recurring payments can be easily added to bank recon.
2 |
Journal Batches
Amounts in unposted journal batches can be edited.
3 |
Stock cost
Reserved parts retain their cost value even when new stock is received.
4 |
Counter sales
Customer name, registration number and customer VAT number can be entered for counter sales.
5 |
Quote values
Quote values are listing in open jobcard report and stock history.
6 |
A number of changes have been made to improve the performance of AutoManage.
7 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Customers, suppliers and stock can be imported into AutoManage.
2 |
Reserved stock
Stock can only be reserved with a job number.
3 |
Credit management
- Customer credit limits
- Stop supply flag
4 |
Open Job Cards
- Open job cards can be filtered by ref code
- "Update Customer" added to job status options
5 |
Cash Counter Sales
You can enter a customer name and VAT number on COD OTCs.
6 |
Booking Type
"Fitment" added as a service type.
7 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Bin Location
Bin location has been added to quotes and to sort order in stock take.
2 |
Insurer Authorisation
Insurers are now allowed to authorise a zero amount on the quote.
3 |
Improved Auditing
More auditing of changes has been added to quotes and supplier invoices and payments.
4 |
Job Card
Consent in compliance with POPIA has been added to the job card.
5 |
Air Con Regas
Air Con Regas has been added to service types in bookings.
6 |
Show number for batches and a sum for the batch in detail view.
7 |
Service Schedule
More detail has been added for some service descriptions.
8 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Vehicle Range Types
We have introduced Range Types between Ranges and Models to make vehicles easier to find.
2 |
SMS Feedback
Feedback can be requested from customers when printing invoices.
Speak to us if you would like to subscribe to SMS features.
3 |
Customer Invoice Acceptance
Customer signature has been moved below Unauthorised Items to ensure that the customer signs off on work not done.
4 |
Insurer Authorisation Code
The allowed length of the authorisation code increased to 38 characters.
5 |
Customer Listing
Customer list can now be sorted by last invoice date or number of invoices.
6 |
Account and Stock Maintenance
The following have been moved from Take On to Account and Stock Maintenance
- Take On GRN
- Zero Stock
- Back Dated GRV
- Back Dated GRN
Workshop Size has moved to Workshop Configuration
7 |
Internal Quotes
Quote number included in listing.
8 |
Discovery Vitality Drive
Quotes for Bosch workshops include new functionality to integrate with Discovery Vitality.
9 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Stock Editor
The stock editor has moved to Account & Stock Maintenance -> Stock Management.
2 |
Booking SMSs
Warning if date or time changes after confirmation SMS has been sent.
3 |
Proforma Invoices
Auditing has been added when proforma invoices are printed.
4 |
Stock Take
Added filters to the stock take.
5 |
Job List
Removed zero value for unauthorised quotes to avoid confusion.
6 |
Quote History
Quote history can now be exported or printed.
7 |
Group Access
Administrators of workshop groups can give their users access to the group.
8 |
OTC receipts can be viewed from the invoice.
9 |
Customer Statement
Invoices can be viewed from the customer statement.
10 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Booking Time
Time has been added to booking date.
2 |
Customer Receipts
Invoices on receipts have links to open the invoice.
3 |
Invoice Discounts
Invoice discounts are now allocated to the customer.
4 |
Counter Sales
Bin number added to counter sale quote.
5 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Job Card
The statement for customer's signature has been expanded.
2 |
Part and Item Creation
Parts can be created from the part number search facility on the quote editor, and items from item search.
3 |
Quote Discounts
A discount can be captured on a quote.
4 |
Insurer Invoices
- Invoices with insurers/fleet managers have separated summaries
- Discounts are now applied only to the customer
5 |
Service Categories
Service categories are ordered alphabetically in drop-down delections.
6 |
Customer Title
Customer title can now be left blank.
7 |
Goods Returned Note
A note confirming receipt for supplier's signature has been added.
8 |
Payment Method
Cheque has been change to Debit Card.
9 |
Estimate Note
Notes regarding prices have been expanded.
10 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Customer's Vehicles
Quotes can be created for a customer's existing vehicle.
2 |
Part Manufacturers
You can record your own part manufacturers.
3 |
Part Creation
Parts can now be created from Part Search in the Quote Editor.
4 |
Item Creation
Quote items can now be created from Item Search in the Quote Editor.
5 |
Empty Counter Sales
Discarded counter sales are automatically deleted after a week.
6 |
Date Filters
Date filters are now more intelligent.
7 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Unauthorised items now have column headers.
2 |
Created user role Stores.
3 |
Archived technicians are now hidden.
4 |
Stock Editor
Added bin location filter to stock editor.
5 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Proforma Invoices
Generate proforma invoices from the quote editor.
2 |
Operating Manual
The latest version of the operating manual is available on the Support page.
3 |
User Access
- Create new user role Stores.
- Service Advisor 1 ex Adjust users can print work orders.
4 |
Job Card
- Note added to customer job card - "Please retain this Job Card as proof that you are authorised to collect this vehicle".
- Filter open job cards by team.
5 |
Bin Allocation
- Bin number added to GRVs.
- Bin number added to picking slips.
- Order stock on hand by bin number.
6 |
Fuchs is available as a part manufacturer.
7 |
Current Accounts
Added the option of a fifth current account.
8 |
Unauthorised quote items
- Removed superfluous columns from the Unauthorised section on quotes and invoices.
- Removed Unauthorised section from OTCs.
9 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
VIN Number
The generic VIN number has been removed from the customer invoice.
2 |
Workshop Configuration
Administrators can change various workshop configuration details.
3 |
Service Items
Added service items sub-category to various report filters.
4 |
Stock on Hand
Added bin number to the stock on hand report filter.
5 |
Journal Batches
Removed the requirement for a description for each transcription.
6 |
Customer Invoices
Added name and surname to customer sign off.
7 |
Administrators can delete taken-on invoices during takeon.
8 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Home Page
Sub-menus can be selected directly on the home page.
2 |
Empty Bookings
Bookings with neither customer nor vehicle are automatically cleared from booking list.
3 |
Sales by Category
Service item category added to filter.
4 |
Model Name
Confirm change of model name on quote to prevent accidental changes.
5 |
Sub-menus can be selected directly from Take-On.
6 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Supplier Login
Your part suppliers can now login and use AutoManage to manage your orders. Speak to us for more details.
2 |
Combine Parts
Duplicate parts can be combined in the Stock Editor.
3 |
Hide Parts
Unused parts can be hidden in the Stock Editor.
4 |
Stock on Hand
Filter Service Items by category.
5 |
Current Account 4
A fourth current account is available.
6 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
User Management
Existing Administrator users have been converted to Manager users with their access unchanged.
A new Administrator type has been created which has the same access as a manager, but can also create and edit user accounts.
2 |
Users can change their own passwords.
3 |
VAT Control
Added more detail and figure inspectors to the VAT Control Summary.
4 |
VAT Adjustment
Added the option of carrying forward the difference when capturing the VAT payment instead of creating an automatic adjustment.
5 |
Quote History
Added Quote Ref Codes to quote history.
6 |
Lost Sales
Comments captured for unauthorised items appear in the lost sales report.
7 |
Export Invoices
Invoices can be exported to Excel.
8 |
Terms and Conditions
Added note to 4.1 that vehicles may need to be driven as part of servicing procedure.
9 |
Payment Methods
Added Comebacks and Own Vehicles.
10 |
- Added Invoice number to filter when capturing customer receipts.
- Invoices can be opened when viewing the receipt.
11 |
Part History
Part history can be exported.
12 |
Audit Trail
The Audit Trail has moved to Reports. It is also being extended to cover more activity.
13 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Customer statements can be emailed
- Individual statements
- Or all statements with an outstanding balance
Also added an Accounts email field to customers to send statements to.
2 |
Customer Account
Customer account is visible in customer lists.
3 |
Debtors Age Analysis
Filter debtors age analysis by Rep Code.
4 |
Petty Cash
GL account 5410 Motor Repair is available for Petty Cash.
5 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
TeamViewer Engage
The Chat icon allows you to get help from AutoManage Support.
2 |
Stock Take
The stock take function makes it easier to take stock.
3 |
Invoice List
The performance of the invoice listing has been improved.
4 |
Job List
Clean up your job list using bulk delete.
5 |
Customer Quotes
Creating quotes and adding services to quotes is faster.
6 |
Customer Quote List
Team code has been added to the quote listing.
7 |
Work Order
Added technician sign-off to the bottom of the work order.
8 |
Operations Guide
The Operations Guide has been updated.
9 |
Audit Trails
More actions are audited.
10 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Bin Allocation
Allocate stock to named bins.
2 |
Archive Team Codes
Archive team codes to remove them from drop-downs.
3 |
Account Number
Customer account number added to quotes.
4 |
Job Status
Inspection in Progress added as a job status.
5 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Gross Profit Graph
Efficiency reports include a graph of gross profit.
2 |
Stock Price Audit
Audit trail shows each time stock prices are changed manually.
3 |
Labour/Part Name Editor
Edit or remove labour and part items created by your workshop.
4 |
Stock History
Sort order improved and row highlighting added.
5 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Unauthorised Quote Items
Attach comments to unauthorised quote items.
2 |
Stock Adjustments
Audit trail shows stock adjustments.
3 |
Delete Other Equipment
Delete unused Other Equipment.
4 |
Income Statement
Export details to Excel.
5 |
MIWA 5 Stars
MIWA 5 Stars logo can be added to accredited workshops.
6 |
Invoice Listing
Show only invoices taken on from another system.
7 |
Stock on Hand
Highlight selected row.
8 |
Capture date of enquiry on estimates.
9 |
Menu Help
If menu help is hidden, it will appear when you hover over a menu item.
10 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Export customer quote
You can export a customer quote to Excel, etc.
2 |
Estimate Conversion
Estimate history shows invoice date for estimates.
3 |
Receipt Batches
Receipt batch report shows all receipts in batches.
4 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Right to Repair
Oil specifications are printed on the customer invoice.
2 |
Insurer Authorisation Code
The allowed length of the authorisation code increased to cater for insurance company changes.
3 |
Take On
Taking on creditors and debtors has been improved.
4 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
VAT Payments
Transactions included in VAT Payment amounts can be exported.
2 |
Account Reports
Company logo appears on the Income Statement and the Trial Balance.
3 |
Bank Recon
No transaction may be carried over for more than 1 month.
4 |
Set Opening Balances
Set Opening Balances is only available during takeon from a previous system.
5 |
Quote Date
Quote date is now selected rather than typed to prevent errors.
6 |
Quote Listing
Added 2 new date columns to the quote listing - "Invoiced" and "Last Receipt".
7 |
Print Service Schedule
Added quantity column.
8 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
SMS Reviews
If you subscribe to the SMS service, you can now request service reviews for walk-in customers.
2 |
Job List
Job status has been added to the job list filter.
3 |
Customer Editor
A warning is shown if a customer with the same name, title and surname is created.
4 |
GL Accounts
VAT is automatically exempted for accounts that are always exempt of VAT.
5 |
Sales and VAT
Added customer name and removed debit and credit account columns.
Added unit totals when viewing labour only.
6 |
Rep Code
Rep code now appears on quotes and invoices.
7 |
Part selector
Stock on hand and cost price have been added to the part selector.
8 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Various changes have been made to improve the performance of AutoManage. We continue to look for new ways to improve performance further.
2 |
Rep Codes
Rep Codes can now be managed in Maintenance and selected rather than typed.
3 |
Job Cards on New Quotes
When a quote is created from a credit note, the new quote inherits the job card details from the credit note.
4 |
Account Configuration
Account Configuration has improved category headers.
5 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
1 |
Reporting Figures
Figures in reports are comma-delimited to make them more readable. e.g. 567,009.90
2 |
SMS Confirmation
SMS confirmation and feedback has been integrated into AutoManage. Speak to Support for more information on subscribing to this service.
3 |
Customer Editor
Changes made to customer details are automatically saved without having to click a Save button.
4 |
Invoice List
Customer order number now appears on the invoice list.
5 |
Invoice Details
Team code has been added to the invoice and the quote. Operator has been removed.
6 |
GRV List
Purchase order number now appears on the GRV list.
7 |
Job Cards
MIWA/RMI logo added to job cards.
8 |
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Lost Sales
The lost sales report gives you a breakdown of items declined by your customers.
Sundry Invoices
You can reverse a sundry invoice on today's date or the invoice date.
Move quickly from GRVs to Supplier Orders.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Goods Receiving
Receive goods directly from supplier orders.
Supplier Orders
- Supplier orders have been improved with totals, etc.
- Orders can also now be cancelled.
Quote Repair Items
Optionally show expired items when adding to a quote.
Home Page
The menus on the home page have been simplified and always show help even when help is disabled on other pages.
Sales and VAT
Added filter by technician.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Retained Income
Retained income is now correctly handled in the trial balance and GL reports.
Customer email
You can enter a second email address for your customers and send quotes to both addresses.
Supplier email
You can enter a second email address for your suppliers and send orders to both addresses.
If a customer has an active quote, a new booking can be connected to that quote.
Take On
Warnings have been added to ensure that transactions are dated prior to opening balance dates.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Journal Batches
Journal entries can now be made in batches.
Quote Item Groups
Quote items can be grouped to appear as a single line.
Bank Recon
Deposits can now be included in receipt batches.
Goods Return Notes
GRN numbers from your supplier can be captured to track GRNs.
Customer Receipts
Customer receipts can be accessed from the invoice they cover.
GL Accounts
Accounts in the 4100 range have been moved to 5000 so they appear under expenses in the income statement.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Part Orders
Numerous improvements have been made to Part Orders
- Order quote parts without first requesting a part quote
- Order numbers are automatically generated
- Workshop logo and contact info appears on quote requests and orders
New Job Status
Added "Parts to be Ordered".
Part History
Numerous improvements have been made to Part History
- Part totals are now shown
- Option to show parts with zero units but a non-zero value (this can happen when adjustments are done
at prices different to GRV price)
- Export has been improved
Stock Adjustments
Option to show adjustments for all periods.
Workshop Comments
You can now create your own custom standard comments for quotes and invoice.
Internal Invoices to Stock
You can now create stock items from your internal invoices.
Supplier Selection
Supplier selection will now be searchable if you have more than 20 suppliers, drop-down if you have fewer.
If you prefer to have a drop-down, please tell us and we will configure that for your workshop.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Bank Recon
Added customer invoice number to transaction detail.
RMI and MIWA logos have been updated.
Email Addresses
Added .africa as a valid email address suffix.
New User Role
Added new user role Service Advisor 1 ex Adjust.
Vehicle Model Selector
When selecting a range, if there is only one model, it is automatically selected.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Open Jobs
Added team code to Open Jobcard listing.
Receive Parts
User is now reminded to select all part numbers before receiving parts.
VIN Numbers
- VIN Numbers default to uppercase.
- Search quote listing and customer invoices by VIN number.
VESA logo
Added VESA logo on quotes and invoices of qualifying workshops.
Purchase Reports
- Added month filter to Purchases by Category and Purchases by Supplier reports.
- Added invoice numbers to Purchases by Supplier report.
Income Statement
Added monthly average column.
Multi-Workshop Users
Workshops under common management can create users with access to all their workshops.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
GRVs and Stock Adjustments
Searching for parts to add to GRVs and stock adjustments has been improved.
Part Sort Order
Parts are now ordered alphabetically when searching in the quote editor, GRVs and stock adjustments.
Stock on Hand
The Stock on Hand Report can now be sorted by part number.
Customer Receipts
Customer receipts can now be reprinted.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Quote Reference
Tag your quotes with a new reference code and group them in Sales and VAT reports.
Quote Comments
Added "Please note this quote is subject to stripping and part availability" to all quotes.
Added "This quote is valid for _________ days" optional comment.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Right to Repair
The Right to Repair logo will now appear on invoices for qualifying workshops.
Zero VAT Invoices
You can create non-SA customers as not Vatable.
Booking Editor
The layout of the booking editor has been improved.
A request for a customer satisfaction survey has also been added.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Global Parts
Global parts will display with an asterisk at the end of their part number.
Invoice Comments
Added new built-in invoice comments.
Video Tutorials
Check out our video tutorials in Support.
Fault Report
Job Cards now include the option of a blank fault report for detailed notes.
Clearing Stock
Upgrading to AutoManage is now easier with the ability to clear your stock.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Vehicle Model Year
Capture the model year of a vehicle booked in for a service.
Counter Sales Invoices
Added company logo and merchant number to counter sale invoices.
Sundry Purchases Report
Added a month filter.
Customer Export
You can now export your customer list to a spreadsheet.
Booking Report
Added vehicle registration to the booking report.
Quote Number
Added the quote number to the quote and to the filter for the quote listing.
Added account 5960 Dividends and 5970 Tax on Dividends.
Debtors Age Analysis
Invoices and credit notes in different periods can be matched.
Trial Balance
Enhancements to meet audit requirements.
Customer Report
Added information about customer frequency.
Purchase by Supplier
This report can now be printed without prices.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Unit Repairs
Save time by creating quote templates to use as templates for customer quotes for common jobs. (Were
previously called Master Quotes)
Year End Filter in Trial Balance
Added the ability to run the trial balance for a selected year end.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Blank Job Cards
Added blank job cards as an option.
Odometer / Meter Values
Allow decimal places.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Additional Part Supplier
Added Omnicraft as a Part Supplier
Opening Balances
Income statement accounts can now have an opening balance set.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Job List
The job list will now automatically refresh every 10 seconds.
Job Number on Stock Sheet
Jobs in progress have a job number on the stock sheet.
Opening Balances
Open balance entry shows Debit and Credit columns and total balances.
Income Statement
Columns include year with month. Month filters improved.
Work Order
Print technician work orders from customer quotes.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Over the Counter Sales
Parts can now be sold over the counter.
Vehicle Selector
Vehicles are now divided into trucks and cars and by fuel type.
Sundry Creditors Take On
Sundry creditors can now be taken on from another system.
Company Names
Some company names are very long so another line has been added to cater for these.
Quote Editor
Repair items are now added by means of a pop-up dialog selector.
Quote Technician
A technician can now be selected for a quote.
Clear Part Selection
A part number selected on a quote can now be cleared.
Technician Sign-off
Technician sign-off has been added to the bottom of the printed service schedule.
AA / RMI logos
AA and/or RMI/MIWA logos will now be printed on the quotes and invoices of member workshops.
Master Quotes
Save time by creating master quotes to use as templates for customer quotes for common jobs.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Vehicle Selector
Sort vehicle selector by column rather than by row.
Income Statement
Date range extended to the month the workshop started using AutoManage.
Supplier Payments
Added the ability to sort by suppliers invoice number.
Bank Account Opening Balances
Allow bank account opening balances to be cleared.
Quote Editor
Increased the allowed length of policy number and authorisation code to 30.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Customer ID Number
Customer ID numbers can be captured in customer maintenance.
Invoice Listing
Customer account appears in brackets after the customer name.
Petty Cash Adjustment
A description must now be entered for petty cash adjustments.
Quote and Invoice Comments
The following standard comment has been added: Standard Bank Fleet - 12 month - 20 000km warranty on parts
and labour
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Reverse Sundry Invoices
Sundry invoices may now be reversed after VAT has been paid. The reversal will take place using today's
Customer Name
Customer name can now be up 60 characters long.
Authorisation Codes
Quote authorisation codes now appear on the customer statement.
Export VAT Control Account
The VAT Control Account can now be exported to Excel.
Export Stock Adjustments
The Stock Adjustment List can now be exported to Excel.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Customer Quotes
Customer quotes emailed to customers will now show logo and workshop details.
Part Descriptions
Part descriptions can now be edited in the Stock Editor.
Supplier Payments
The amount paid for each invoice is now listed in the supplier payments report.
Stock Adjustments
The stock adjustment number is now displayed in the stock adjustment report.
Report Periods
All reports with a month selection can now run for any period.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
VAT Payments
VAT Payments now show a summary to assist in completing VAT returns.
Open Job Cards
Customer phone number is now listed on the open job card report.
Customer Invoices
Customer phone number is now listed on the customer invoice report and whether the customer may be contacted
with service reminders.
Accumulated Depreciation
Accounts have been created to cater for accumulated depreciated on all fixed asset accounts.
Monies Received
The Monies Received report can be sorted by payment method.
Customer Statement
Banking details have been added to customer statements.
Sundry payments are now grouped by payment rather than showing each invoice in the payment.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Part History
The history of purchases and invoices for a part number is now directly available from the COS Parts and
Stock menu.
Quote Model and Reference
The lengths of the vehicle model name and the reference in customer quotes have been increased.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Trial Balance
The trial balance is now available.
Service and Repair Items
The names you give to service and repair items can now be up to 80 characters long.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Income Statement
The income statement is available again.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
The performance of AutoManage has been substantially improved.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Deadlocks have been eliminated editing quotes and GRVs.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Invoice filter
Customer invoices can now be filtered to show only those that were taken on.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Print Duplicate Invoices
Workshop Administrators can print duplicate customer invoices.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Printing Reports
Reports will now print much faster.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Opening Balances
Opening balances can now be set for all expense accounts.
Reverse VAT Payments
Workshop Administrators can reverse VAT payments.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Job card filter
The job list can now be filtered by job number.
GL Category Totals
Totals for categories are now displayed in the GL.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Part cost on Quotes
Part cost can no longer be changed on quotes if the part is in stock.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
GL Accounts
All GL accounts now show values instead of just referring to other reports.
All GL accounts can also be viewed simultaneously.
Cash Transactions
Cash transactions now always use today's date.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Supplier Payments
GRVs can now be opened from the supplier payments report.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Sales and VAT
The Sales and VAT report can now be filtered to show only invoices excluding other sundry transactions.
Suppliers Age Analysis
Suppliers Age Analysis can now be viewed for dates other than today.
Month Filters
The month filter in reports has been extended to show months as far back as your first invoices.
Job List
The colours used for job status have been improved for better visibility.
Bad Debts
Validation has been added to prevent discounts on bad debt write-offs.
Supplier Adjustments
Validation has been added to prevent discounts on supplier adjustments.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Bank Reconciliation
Cashbooks can now be reconciled against bank statements.
Receipt Batches
In bank recon, receipts can be batched.
Reverse Deposits
Deposits can be reversed from the outstanding deposit list.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Printing Jobcards
Terms and Conditions are now printed after the Customer Job Card to allow double-sided printing.
Report Filters
Report filters are now cleared and defaulted to avoid problems with preset values.
Account Lock Down
Cashbooks are now locked down once VAT has been paid or cashbooks reconciled.
Payment Reports
Reversals in customer and supplier payments reports are described better.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Technician Report
The performance of the technician report has been improved.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
We have migrated AutoManage to a dedicated host. This will deliver improved performance across the system.
There may still be bottlenecks here and there that will need to be addressed.
Please report details of any performance problems you face so we can address them.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
VAT on Invoices and Credit Notes
The word "Tax" has been changed to "VAT" on all invoices and credit notes.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Journal Entries
Journal entries can be posted for transactions that do not involve customers, suppliers, bank accounts or
A disclaimer must now be acknowledged once by every user.
Monies Received
The Monies Received report has been simplified.
Part Quote History
Part supplier has been added to the report filter.
Email Domain
The email domain .group has been added as a valid target.
Income Statement
A single month has been added to the filter.
Accounts with no entries can be hidden.
Quote Editor
The quote editor now saves you time by opening New quotes in edit mode.
Supplier Payments
The supplier payments report has been simplified.
Sending Email
The sending address on email from AutoManage has been changed to "Workshop Name <automanage@autoestimate.co.za>".
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Work continues to improve performance in various parts of the system.
In the meantime, long-running reports have been throttled so that the database is not overwhelmed.
We have made some changes to improve the general performance of AutoManage. Work continues to address areas
that still run too slowly.
Create GL Accounts
You can now create your own custom GL accounts
Customer Vehicles
A search facility has been added when selecting customer vehicles for bookings
Goods Received
The Goods Received report can now be sorted by supplier invoice number
Part Quote History
Supplier name has been added to the filter on this list
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
You can now receive deposits from your customers.
The customer now confirms receipt of the jobcard.
A disclaimer has been added to the login page.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Report Performance
The time it takes to run the following reports has been dramatically reduced
- Petty Cash
- Cashbook
- General Ledger
We are busy improving the performance of other reports.
Job Status
A new Job Status field has been added that can be set in the quote editor and monitored in Open Jobcards.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Tracking Released Parts
If parts reserved for a quote are released, the picking slip lists these parts to return to stock.
Income Statement
Discounts to customers and from and suppliers are handled as expenses.
Goods Received
The Goods Received report now includes a filter for supplier invoice number.
Sundry Transaction Date Change
Workshop administrators can adjust sundry transaction dates. These changes must now be confirmed.
VAT Transaction Details
Clicking on an amount in VAT Control now shows more detail for the transactions that make up the figure.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please contact us if you would like details.
Job Cards
The number of copies of job cards can now be specified.
Export Open Job Card Report
The Open Job Card Report can be exported to Excel.
Goods Returned Notes
Goods Returned Notes have been moved to Take On to ensure that GRNs are always made by reversing GRVs.
Suppliers Age Analysis
Suppliers Age Analysis can now be accessed directly from Supplier Payments.
WIP removed historic stock
Stock on hand reports for previous months no longer show Work in Progress.
Progress indicator
The progress indicator has been improved to ensure that it is always visible and that the whole page is
disabled while AutoManage is busy.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Operations Guide
New AutoManage User Guide is available for download on the support page
Multiple bank accounts
Caters for workshops with more than one bank account.
VAT Payments
VAT payments can be adjusted and reversed.
Customer Statement
Discounts are consolidated into one line per receipt.
Sundry Payments
Sundry suppliers can be created whilst making payments.
Suppliers' Bank Details
Suppliers' bank details can be captured for easy reference.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Income Statement
A complete income statement is available in Reports -> Accounts.
GL Accounts
Reports on all GL accounts are available in Reports -> Accounts.
Sundry Transactions
Sundry transactions have been revamped and are now fully supported and integrated into all relevant reports.
Adjustments and Write-Offs
Adjustments for suppliers.
Bad debt write-offs for customers.
Customer Statements
Customer statements have been improved.
Debtors Age Analysis
Payment receipting is now faster with access to Debtors Age Analysis from the receipting screen.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Picking Slips
Parts can now be reserved for quotes using picking slips.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Delete Other Sundry Transactions
Other sundry transactions can now be deleted by workshop administrators and accountants until the 20th of
the month following the transaction.
Reversing Sundry Invoices
Sundry credit notes can now be matched to sundry invoices.
Creating a Quote from a Booking Estimate
The time taken by the system to create a quote from an estimate in a booking has been dramatically improved.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Duplicate Invoices
Duplicate invoices are now headed "COPY TAX INVOICE".
Part numbers
Part numbers have been removed from customer invoices.
Invoice Age Analysis
A customer name filter has been added.
Purchases and VAT Report
A month filter has been added.
Screen layouts
Several improvements have been made to screen and column widths to make various screens look better,
especially on narrower monitors.
Navigation after adding sundry invoice and credit note creation has been improved.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Default Invoice Dates
Sundry invoice dates must now be selected to avoid mistakenly accepting today's date.
Change Invoice Dates
Sundry invoice dates can now be changed by administrators until the 20th of the month after the invoice.
Petty Cash Report
Payment descriptions have been improved in the Petty Cash Report.
Date Filters
Date filter fields can now be cleared without having to clear the entire filter.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
User Guide
The AutoManage User Guide has been updated. Click the Support icon in the top right above the menu and click
Download User Guide.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Accountant User Role
Added a user role for accountants allowed to view all reports and perform sundry transactions.
Customer Email
The length of the customer email field has been increased to 45 characters to allow for longer email
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Petty Cash Payments
Petty Cash Payments have been redesigned to streamline their capture.
Comment on GRV/GRN
A comment field has been added to Goods Received and Returned Notes. This can be used to indicate why parts
were returned, etc.
Sales and VAT Report
The Sales and VAT Report now includes columns indicating the accounts affected by each sale.
Quote Reference
The Quote Reference field has been increased in size to 20 characters.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
A report showing all transactions on your bank account has been developed.
VAT Payments
VAT payments can now be calculated and captured.
Other Sundry Transactions
A mechanism for capturing transactions that do not involve customers or suppliers has been added (e.g. bank
Purchases and VAT Report
The filters on the Purchases and VAT Report have been improved.
Suppliers invoice numbers are now included on this report.
Sales and VAT Report
The filters on the Sales and VAT Report have been improved.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Access Control
Users can now be created with different levels of access to AutoManage facilities, allowing you to protect
sensitive information and allocate tasks to different staff.
Invoice creation on sundry payment screen
Invoices can be created and paid directly on the sundry payment screen.
Specify invoice account allocation
Account allocation is now done when creating sundry invoices rather than when paying them.
Capital filter on Purchases and VAT Report
Capital purchases can now be filtered on the Purchases and VAT Report.
Account allocation on invoice lists
Account allocation is now shown on lists of sundry customer and supplier invoices.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Account allocation on Petty Cash
The Petty Cash report includes a column showing the account cash was allocated to.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Stock Reconciliation
A report reconciling stock bought and sold in a month has been added to Reports -> Monthly Recons -> Stock
User Guide Available to Download
The latest version of the AutoManage Operating Guide is now available to download from Support -> Download
User Guide
Improve booking requests
When a customer requests a booking from an estimate, the email received by the workshop now includes a link
to a booking with a list of customers to select from. If the customer requesting the booking is new, the
data from the request is automatically included when creating a new customer.
Booking requests now appear at the top of the booking list until a booking is made.
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.
Save engine number
Creating a quote from a booking for an existing customer vehicle now loads the engine number
Select to view unpaid invoices only in customer statements
You can now produce customer statements showing only unpaid invoices
Delete quotes with a red cross
Quotes are now deleted with a red cross icon in the quote list like other items in AutoManage
Confirm the creation of a quote from an invoice or credit note
Creating a quote from an invoice or credit note now asks for confirmation before creating the quote
Receipts for AutoInvoice users
Subscribers to the AutoInvoice module will now be able to receive payments from customers
Bug fixes
Several bugs have also been fixed in this release. Please drop us an email if you would like details.